Make Wi-Fi Hotspot with Chillispot and Freeradius
1. Access Point (I use 3COM 3CRWE725075A)
2. Debian or Ubuntu Server
3. Lan Cable (at lease 2 line)
4. Lan card 2 card
5. Internet
1. Config Ethernet card
# nano /etc/network/interfaces
and append to file
[code lang=”shell” gutter=”false”]auto eth1[/code]
2. Enable ipforward
# nano /etc/sysctl.conf
and uncomment this line
[code lang=”shell” gutter=”false”]net.ipv4.ip_forward=1[/code]
3. Enable ipforward
# echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
4. Enable tunnel, edit file
# nano /etc/modules
and append to file
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]tun[/code]
save and type command
# modprobe tun
5. Restart network
# invoke-rc.d networking restart
6. Config MySQL
6.1 log-in to mysql
# mysql -u root -p
6.2 Create database and user to grant a privillege own database. User is “radius” and password is “radius”
CREATE USER ‘radius’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘radius’;
GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO ‘radius’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘radius’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `radius` . * TO ‘radius’@’%’;
7. Install and Config Freeradius
7.1 install Freeradius 2.x
# apt-get install freeradius freeradius-utils freeradius-mysql
7.2 Config database
# nano /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
Edit for database detail
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]# Connection info:
server = "localhost"
login = "radius"
password = "radius"
radius_db = "radius"
7.3 Config freeradius to use sql
# nano /etc/freeradius/site-available/default
in authorize section uncomment sql line
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
in accounting section uncomment sql line
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]accounting {
in session section uncomment sql
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]session {
7.4 Edit radius secret
# nano /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
Add this line to end of file
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
client localhost {
secret = testing123
7.5 Restart Freeradius
# invoke-rc.d freeradius restart
7.6 Import schema to MySQL
# cat /etc/freeradius/sql/schema.sql | mysql -u root -p radius
8. Install and config chillispot
8.1 Install chillispot
# apt-get install chillispot
8.2 Enter information about chillispot
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
IP address of radius server 1:
Radius shared secret: testing123
Ethernet interface for DHCP to listen: eth1
URL of web server handling authentication:
URL of welcome homepage:
Shared password between chillispot and webserver: password
and edit in file
# nano /etc/chilli.conf
TUN Parameter, uncomment and edit to
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]net
Copy iptable rule to daemon
# cp /usr/share/doc/chillispot/firewall.iptables /etc/init.d/chilli.iptables
Change permission to run this file
# chmod a+x /etc/init.d/chilli.iptables
Link to runlevel for automatic start up this script
# ln -s /etc/init.d/chilli.iptables /etc/rc4.d/S41chilli.iptables
Enable Chillispot
# nano /etc/default/chillispot
and set Enabled to 1
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]ENABLED=1[/code]
8. Config Apache Server
8.1 Create login page from example file
# mkdir -p /var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin
Use from example file
# zcat -c /usr/share/doc/chillispot/hotspotlogin.cgi.gz | tee /var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi
Change permission to run this file
# chmod a+x /var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi
Edit file hotspotlogin
# nano /var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi
Set uamsecret with the same as chillispot and set userpassword to 1
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]$uamsecret = "password";
8.2 Create Welcome page
#nano /var/www/hotspot/welcome.html
[code lang=”html”]
<a href="">Log in</a>
8.2 Create Certificate
create store folder
# mkdir /etc/apach2/ssl
make certificate and follow instruction
# make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem
enable ssl mod
# a2enmod ssl
8.3 Create Virtual Host
# nano /etc/apache2/site-available/hotspot
[code lang=”text”]
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot "/var/www/hotspot"
ServerName ""
<Directory "/var/www/hotspot/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/var/www/hotspot/cgi-bin/">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/hotspot-error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/hotspot-access.log combined
ServerSignature On
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem
enable site hotspot
# a2ensite hotspot
restart apache server
# invoke-rc.d apache2 restart
9. Install phpmyprepaid
9.1 Download Phpmyprepaid
9.2 Untarbal the package
# tar xzf phpmyprepaidRC3.tgz
9.3 Copy to default site
# cp -R phpmyprepaid/www/ /var/www/phpmyprepaid
change permission to run this file
# chmod a+x -R /var/www/phpmyprepaid
9.4 Log-in to MySQL
# mysql -u root -p
[code lang=”sql”]
CREATE USER ‘phpmyprepaid’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘phpmyprepaid’;
GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO ‘phpmyprepaid’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘phpmyprepaid’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `phpmyprepaid` . * TO ‘phpmyprepaid’@’%’;
9.5 Point web browser to URL
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
And following instruction untill you finish
9.6 Edit database
# mysql -u root -p
[sql]USE phpmyprepaid;
ALTER TABLE `usergroup` ADD `priority` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’ AFTER `location_id`;
10. Reconfig Freeraidus to use phpmyprepaid
10.1 Edit file sql
# nano /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
# Connection info:
server = "localhost"
login = "phpmyprepaid"
password = "phpmyprepaid"
radius_db = "phpmyprepaid"
# Table to keep group info
usergroup_table = "usergroup"
10.2 Edit file attribute by append to this file
# nano /etc/freeradius/dictionary
[code lang=”text” gutter=”false”]
ATTRIBUTE Max-All-Session 3000 integer
11. Restart Your Server
# reboot
12. Setup Access Point (3COM 3CRWE725075A)
12.1 Setup your laptop or computer network card to ip address
IP :
Netmask :
12.2 Restore your Access Point to factory default
12.3 Point your web browser to
12.4 Log in with
user : admin
password : (no password)
12.5 Select Setup Wizard (for newby )
12.6 Select VAP you wish to configure to 1, it mean your how many your SSID.
12.8 Select Auto Channel Select to Enable. (not nescessary)
12.9 Disable DHCP Client, clause I want an our server release DHCP to client
12.10 Set Authentication to “Open” and Encryption to “Disable”
12.11 Save your configuration, your hotspot are done.